Thursday, September 17, 2015

VIP to launch own-brand tablet

While the tablet market is going through a tough patch right now, that's not stopping VIP Computers from launching an own-brand range.

The distributor is set to release new Windows and Android tablets under its Vortex brand this Q4.

"It's a B-brand coming underneath your Samsung and Apple 10.1 tablets. We're looking for it to be – from a Windows perspective – high spec with a value price," VIP Computers director Rich Marsden told PCR.

"We've seen, from speaking to our retail and reseller partners, that there is a market for mid-range quality product. But we're realistic with what we can achieve.

"Vortex is a brand that VIP has owned for a long time. We're re-energizing that brand by having a product we can put out into the market.

"You read all the doom and gloom around desktop and tablet sales, but at the moment we don't do a massive amount of business on tablets, so for us, the market can be in decline and we can still grow – absolutely no problem."

Marsden emphasised the importance of having a quality product on the market - not just a tablet with a low price tag but poor functionality.

"I think the days of launching tablets and the quality not being there are long gone," he added. "One of our main things around Vortex is we've made sure the quality of the products is second-to-none. We'll price it reasonably aggressively which hopefully will see some success."

The first device in the range will be a 10.1-inch Windows tablet, with a keyboard. The second will be an Android tablet, which will come with 12 months' free Internet Security on the device. 

VIP says it's aiming to have its first own-brand tablet on sale in October.

VIP is exhibiting at PCR Boot Camp North this year - and there's a chance the tablets will be shown off there, so make sure you've signed up to attend

Source: VIP to launch own-brand tablet

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