Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Second hand shop staff found child porn on Nuneaton man's tablet and laptop

When staff at the Cash Generators shop in Nuneaton began to prepare a tablet computer for resale, they were horrified to find child pornography on it.

So the police were contacted – and when a laptop computer sold by the same customer was checked, that also had child porn on it - Warwick Crown Court has heard.

As a result, Russell Wilkin was arrested and, after first trying to blame his son or his lodger, pleaded guilty to four charges of making indecent images of children.

Wilkin, aged 34, of Vernons Lane, Nuneaton, was given a three-year community order and was ordered to take part in a three-year internet sex offender's treatment programme.

Judge Andrew Lockhart QC also ordered him to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and to register as a sex offender for five years.

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Prosecutor William Douglas-Jones said that on a laptop hard drive found at Wilkin's home were 3,704 indecent images of children aged from 12 to 15 classed as being in category C – showing them in indecent poses but without any sexual activity.

The police also found two category A images showing pre-pubescent children being subjected to penetrative sexual abuse.

On another laptop and a tablet, both of which had been sold to the Cash Generators shop in Bridge Street, Nuneaton, were 749 and 452 category C images respectively.

They had been sold to the shop on a buy-back agreement, but Wilkin had failed to do so at the end of the agreement period in relation to the tablet.

So staff began to prepare it for sale, and when they came across indecent images of children on it, they reported it to the police.

A check revealed that the same customer had sold them a laptop, so that was checked as well and more images were found.

When Wilkin was arrested and interviewed in June, he denied being responsible.

Wilkin was sentenced at Warwick Crown Court, below

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He accepted he had accessed an adult site, but suggested that his lodger or his son might have viewed the younger images, which Judge Lockhart said was "an unattractive feature."

Mr Douglas-Jones added that in a later interview Wilkin said he wanted to tell the truth and admitted being responsible, but had not intended to download that many and had not noticed the category A images.

Judge Lockhart commented: "The aggravating features are that they were left on a laptop that some other poor person has to clear down, and that he lies in interview and lays the blame at the door of others."

Nick Devine, defending, said: "It was a childish reaction of trying to blame others.

"But long before that second interview he told the person who represented him at the police station that he wanted to change his statement.

"There is remorse. He does regret what he did, and he did plead guilty at the first opportunity. Plainly he does have problems which need to be addressed."

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Sentencing Wilkin, Judge Lockhart told him: "In 2015 you sold a tablet and a laptop to Cash Generators which contained the vilest type of material.

"Every time someone looks at an image of a child, that child suffers further abuse. Every separate viewing is a separate act of abuse.

"You had not deleted those images, and other people had the displeasure of having to view that material.

"You then acted like a complete coward and sought to blame your son or your lodger. That was a very unpleasant thing to do.

"But in October you decided to tell the truth, and you said you did it alone when you were high on drink and drugs. You were suffering from a certain amount of depression and social isolation at the time.

"The appropriate way forward is for me to pass a stringent community order, because I want you to have to face up to this behaviour day in and day out across the table in front of a probation officer."

If you've been a victim of sexual crime you can contact Coventry Rape And Sexual Abuse Centre on 024 7627 7777 or visit

Source: Second hand shop staff found child porn on Nuneaton man's tablet and laptop

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