Monday, February 29, 2016

Tablets dead after six years

tabletIn 2010 the Tame Apple Press told the world that tablets that Microsoft had wasted a decade trying to sell were "game-changers" and created a unique fad – a tech toy without a purpose.

In just six years tablets have disappeared. There weren't any tablets at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and no one is really interested.

Samsung, Sony, HTC and LG didn't have any new tablets and did not mention them during their conferences.

Lenovo has released some cheap Android tablets. Huawei announced the MateBook which is more of a Surface Pro-like device running Windows 10 for laptops.

Part of the problem is that you can find good tablets for less than $200. And there's no differentiating factor between Android tablets. Those that are in the market work fine and if you have got a use for it then you don't need another one.

The last thing to kill it off is that phones have become bigger. This was something Jobs said could never happen and Apple fanboys were programmed to mock fablets even while they were trying to type messages on tiny screens with their sausage sized hands.

So it looks like tablets were nothing more than a fad which made Apple rich and provided little technological benefit. It was pretty much what I said when they first came out. But what is a Cassandra-channelling hack supposed to do against the heavy marketing skills and a tech press which has basically surrendered to a big corporation.

Source: Tablets dead after six years

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