Monday, January 4, 2016

Jolla Tablet Will Not Be Available To All Crowdfunding Backers

Jolla Tablet

Jolla announced at the end of last year that it has run into financial problems after one of their investors pulled out, this put a delay on the Jolla Tablet.

The device was funded using crowdfunding and now the company has revealed that not everyone who backed the tablet will get one, the news was announced on their blog.

The serious financing challenge in November-December had unfortunately a bigger impact on this project than we could even anticipate. Now that our financial situation has improved and we are slowly starting to get back to the normal operations, we are actively planning the best way to finalize the project and to find a solution that fits to both all you dear Jolla Tablet contributors and to our future business plans, together with our investors.

We don't have all pieces of the puzzle figured out just yet, but a few things are now certain: we are happy to say that we will be shipping an additional small batch of the Jolla Tablet to early backers during early 2016, targeting to send invitations during January. The bad news here is that we are not able to complete the production to fulfill all contributions. In other words, all of our backers will not get a Jolla Tablet. However, you can be sure you will not end up empty handed. We might even have some positive surprises in stock for you. But more on that will follow, feel free to speculate!

You can find out more details over at Jolla at the link below, it is not clear exactly what will happen with the funds that we used to back the device from the crowdfunding.

Source Jolla, Neowin

Filed Under: Tablet News
Source: Jolla Tablet Will Not Be Available To All Crowdfunding Backers

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