Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tablet aids in removing substance in bottle

Dear Jerry: After a column you wrote years ago, I started consuming purified water exclusively. More specifically, I use the "reverse osmosis" and "steam distilled" water you recommended for drinking, brushing teeth, coffee, soups, cooking and everything else.

During my daily exercise (jogging especially), I would not be without that fresh H2O poured into my portable water bottles.

Speaking of which, I have purchased different plastic bottle brands. At this point, my long-time first choice is Nalgene. Its water bottles are manufactured in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and other options. They now are BPA-free and dishwasher safe.

Here is the problem. Recently, I noticed a substance on the inside of my water bottles. There is a disgusting green film inside some of the bottles. I have tried to remove it with mild soaps, heavy soaps, other cleaners and running it through the dishwasher. I have tried to scrape it off with utensils. Nothing has worked.

While this might be more of a Heloise question, I never miss your column and decided to Ask Jerry. Do you have any advice? — Eleanor S., Denver, Colo.

Dear Elaine: Yes. In this case, I happen to use your same brand of water bottle in many sizes, shapes and colors. Also in this case, I have experienced the identical issue you posed in your letter. And, I recently solved the problem with the simple use of a small tablet.

After attempting to remove the substance you described, something (I don't know what) told me to try denture cleaners. Since I have perfect teeth and have never worn dentures, I don't know why that idea even crossed me mind. In any event, it was a successful solution.

Just stop by your local drug store or grocery store. Buy a small box of antibacterial denture cleansers (e.g., Efferdent, Polident). Rinse your water bottle thoroughly. Then, place two of the tablets (i.e., denture cleansers) inside your water bottle. Add warm (not hot or boiling) water. Let it sit for an hour or longer. You need not worry how long. Before re-using the bottle, be 100 percent certain you rinse it thoroughly. It is not healthy to ingest the ingredients from the tablets.

Undoubtedly, there are other cleaners and combination of cleaners that would work effectively. In fact, you might receive 20 answers from 20 authorities. Along this line in general, a good source to check is a knowledgeable staff person at a hardware store.

That said, I am not an authority on this subject. Yet, I was pleasantly surprised by the result when I dropped the denture cleansers into my Nalgene water bottle. I am confident you will experience the same result.

Romansky is a syndicated columnist. Readers are invited to write in English or Spanish: Ask Jerry, P.O. Box 42444, Washington, D.C. 20015. Email and (because of spam) write the name of your newspaper in subject heading. Questions of popular interest are answered in the column. Unpublished letters cannot be answered individually.

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Source: Tablet aids in removing substance in bottle

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