Thursday, April 14, 2016

Problem solved with innovative SC5000

Kaya Michauville, Alison Bullard and Niki Chalmers found a solution to a growing problem which irritates their parents.

They've been told hundreds of times each to pick up their stuffed animals.

So the W.J. Fricker trio came up with a solution. They invented the SC5000, also known as the Stuffed Chair.

"I have a lot of stuffed animals, but I don't have a place to put them," Niki says. "If I don't pick them up. I'll be forced to get rid of them and I don't want to.

"So we came up with an idea that would provide a storage area for the stuffies, at the same time providing a comfy seat."

The girls made a case from cotton with a zipper at one end. Then they grabbed their stuffed animals, placed them in the case and zipped it up.

The Stuffed Chair can hold 60 to 80 stuffed animals and has been rated 10 out of 10 for comfort by the students' peers.

The chair was one of many inventions created by grades 7 and 8 students during Invention Convention, Wednesday.

The goal of the program is to instill a passion for math, science and technology, as well as to foster innovative thinking.

Liam Porter, Caj Wehrstedt and Paige Ritchieclark invented the Binder Winder. It's intended to help students learn, and it's simple to use.

The Binder Winder is made from a typical binder. However, the front cover has been modified for an electronic device to be stored and used.

"All you need to do is slide in your small tablet or phone and away you go researching and writing down notes while looking at your tablet," Caj explains.

And then there's the Cozy Hands Bowl for those who love eating ice cream but hate that their hands get cold from holding the bowl.

Angelanne Leduc and Connor Doidge covered glass bowls with colourful and soft fabric.

According to the students' presentation, the Cozy Hands Bowl is a revolutionary product in the dinner wear industry.

"Never again will your hands be cold and uncomfortable while you eat food that is chilled."

Source: Problem solved with innovative SC5000

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