Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Problem With Declaring the Failure/Doom of the iPad

2631133554_2713ce3005_oIf there's one thing that tech bloggers love more than gushing over Apple hardware, it's declaring that Apple is in some way doomed. It doesn't matter how many smartwatches, tablets, or iPhones Apple is selling or how much Apple is making each quarter, the utter collapse of Apple is right around the corner.

The Apple doom and gloom refrain makes about as much sense as the semi-annual "ebooks are dead, print has returned" proclamation, but that hasn't stopped tech bloggers from recycling the story with every major Apple announcement.

For example, yesterday's iPhone and iPad event has already inspired several blogs to write about the "failed promise of Apple's iPad", and that the new 9.7" iPad Pro is Apple's last chance to save the iPad line.

After regurgitating stats about declining iPad sales, BGR proclaimed:

Yesterday, Apple released a new 9.7-inch iPad Pro and it stands to reason that this is Apple's last chance to truly inject a bit of life into a faltering product line. The iPad Air 2 was a solid device, but again, consumers have made it clear that it will take a whole a lot more than a thinner and faster device to increase sales.  And sure, the original iPad Pro looks like a compelling device, but let's be honest: a gargantuan 12.7-inch tablet isn't going to become a mainstream hit.

Which leaves the recently introduced 9.7-inch iPad Pro as Apple's only hope.

As I see it, BGR is trying to make a mountain out of a molehill (hence the lead photo). Do you know what's so crazy about that excerpt, and why I so enjoy this type of story?

It's the fact that, even its decline, Apple is still the single largest tablet maker in the world.

Even though Apple sold more iPad Pro tablets in a month and a half than MS sold Surface tablets all year long, tech bloggers are still quick to declare that the iPad is a failure.

Even though Apple sold more tablets last year than its next two largest tablet competitors combined, tech bloggers proclaim that the iPad line is in dire need of saving.

Yeah, I would love to be as big of a failure as the iPad, and to be kept up at night with the "problem" of what to do with all the money.

It must be trying for Tim Cook; no wonder he's gone gray.

image by Lennixx

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Source: The Problem With Declaring the Failure/Doom of the iPad

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